What is a POAM? (Including a POAM Template and Example)

Art Clomera, CTO, Federal Services – Wouldn’t perfection be great?   Everyone, every organization, every system working exactly the way they should with inexhaustible, flawless precision from the word “Go.” Never worrying about something not going exactly as planned. It sounds pretty great but also pretty impossible… (even boring). Perfection in the world of cyber security […]

What is Cybersecurity? (And Why It’s Important)

Art Clomera, Vice President, Operations It’s a simple question with a somewhat complicated answer – at a time when understanding its meaning couldn’t be more important. In a recent industry report, a series of digital trackers stationed across the globe logged more than 5.3 trillion – yes, “trillion” – cyber attacks worldwide in 2021. That’s […]

Risk Management Framework (RMF): The Complete Guide for 2024

Art Clomera, Vice President, Operations Every organization has to manage risk in one form or another. Suppliers manage the risk of having too much or too little product in stock, legal risks are present in virtually every contract negotiation, and of course, insurance companies are built entirely on the principle of managing risk for their […]

NIST 800-53: What is it and What are the Control Families?

Art Clomera, Vice President, Operations Ensuring the security of information systems is a complex but necessary task that virtually every modern organization must undertake to some degree or another. One effective method of tackling information system security is to use the Risk Management Framework (RMF) developed by the National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST). […]

What is OSCAL in Cybersecurity? (And Why it Matters)

Art Clomera, Vice President, Operations Developing software to support any federal agency’s mission is a multi-faceted task today.  Cyber threats, development complexity, and meeting operational mission requirements including security boundary continuous monitoring, is growing in complexity and resources.  Additionally, achieving  or maintaining an authorization to operation (ATO) remains a resource intensive task, burdened by very […]